Cabal Online Slot Extender High Drop

Posted By admin On 10/04/22
1. Interview
  1. Cabal Online Slot Extender High Drop Box
  2. Cabal Online Slot Extender High Drop Speed
  3. Cabal Online Slot Extender High Drop Tool
  4. Cabal Online Slot Extender High Drop Top

FC 90 - Slot Extender High - Mutant Forest and higher FC 91 - Plasma Plug - FC 92 -FC 93 -FC 94 -FC 95 - Epaulet of Proof +5 - Forgotten Ruin (Blade Peryton) Basic Craft Lv 7 FC 96 - Upgrade Core Medium - Ruina Station (Mecha Bear, 3rd boss) FC 97 - Slot extender Low - FGR monster behind Cockatrice FC 98 - Sword Master Potion. Nov 04, 2020 Note: Dungeon drop information is derived from official Episode 15 drop tables provided by ESTgames Global Service. 1 1 Lake In Dusk 2 Ruina Station 3 Tower of the Dead (B1F) 4 Volcanic Citadel 5 Tower of the Dead (B2F) 6 Forgotten Temple (B1F) 7 Forgotten Temple (B2F) 8 Forbidden Island 9 Altar of Siena (B1F) 10 Altar of Siena (B2F) 11 Illusion Castle Underworld 12 Illusion Castle Radiant. Upgrade Core(High) Force Core(High) Slot Extender(Low) Slot Extender(Medium) Slot Extender(High) Map Part Muster Card Ruina Station Epaulette of the Dead Epaulette of the Dead(B2F) Plates of Honor Astral Board – All types Astral Bike RW-3 Plasma Coating Kit Epaulette of Fighter/Sage/Guardian +6 Any Extract potions Shining Yellow Powder.

Adds 1 additional slot to equipment.
Equipment may only be extended once.
SlotItems are account bound after extending.
For information on how options in slot are affected by extending see: Options.
Note: Crystal Bikes that are account bound are only allowed 2 slots because after using the Bike Slot Converter twice it's account bounded status prevents using slot extenders.
2. Drop Location

Item nameGear Grade RequirementObtained

Slot Extender (Low)Shadowsteel (Citrine) or lowerShadowsteel (Aramid) or lower-
  • Craft: Basic Craft level 7
  • Field: Fort Ruina, Lakeside, Forgotten Ruin, Pontus Ferrum, Porta Inferno
  • Dungeon: Lake in Dusk, Ruina Station, Chaos Arena Lv 1

Slot Extender (Medium)Bluestin - Shadowtitanium (Aqua)Bluestin - ShadowtitaniumAstral Bike (Blue)
  • Craft: Basic Craft level 8
  • Field: Fort Ruina, Lakeside, Forgotten Ruin, Pontus Ferrum, Porta Inferno
  • Dungeon: Lake in Dusk, Ruina Station, Tower of the Dead (B1F), Volcanic Citadel, Tower of the Dead (B2F), Forgotten Temple (B1F), Chaos Arena Lv1~2

Slot Extender (High)Osmium(Lapis) - SIGMetalOsmium - SIGMetalAstral Bike (RW3)
  • Craft: Basic Craft level 6 & 9
  • Field: Lakeside, Pontus Ferrum, Porta Inferno
  • Dungeon: Tower of the Dead (B1F), Volcanic Citadel, Tower of the Dead (B2F), Forgotten Temple (B1F), Forgotten Temple (B2F), Forbidden Island, Altar of Siena (B1F), Altar of Siena (B2F), Illusion Castle Underworld, Illusion Castle Radiant Hall, Chaos Arena Lv2~6,

Slot Extender (Highest)Forcium(Mythril) - ArchridiumForcium(Mythril) - ArchridiumAstral Bike (PW5)
  • Field: Pontus Ferrum, Porta Inferno
  • Dungeon: Forgotten Temple (B2F), Forbidden Island, Altar of Siena (B1F), Altar of Siena (B2F), Illusion Castle Underworld, Illusion Castle Radiant Hall, Chaos Arena Lv3~6,
Cabal online slot extender high drop screen
Note: Posibility drop very low, you need many time and luck to get this item, and drop not only in final boss, but also in every stage boss, Good Luck !!I am sorry, but i cannot provide full info, but I work on it and as soon as I learn more, info will be filled.
Cabal online slot extender high drop screenSlot Extender is rare item which can make your items really much more powerful. If used on item, it will create another empty force slot and improve those that already exist in item. Extended item becomes character bound and thus you cannot trade it or store it. Because of this I would recommend you to Extend only items, which are final for your character, or which you will use for very long time, because you wont be able to sell them or store them. On the picture you can see how Slot Extender Low (SEL) looks. Other classes have different colour, but they are rare (or very expensive), so I am not able to show all of them. I am level 160+ and so far i have dropped 2 SEM and this one SEL you see on left.

This is how extended items look. You can recognize them by '+' sign in the corner of the most right force slot. On the picture you see originally one slot item extended. To get the best possible item extend 2 slotted items with perfect craft. Because this way you can get 3 slotted items. Each item can be extended only once.
You can see on the picture, that item has 2 slots: Critical Damage and Critical Rate. Normally you have in 2 slotted item 10% CD and 5% CR. Since this 1 slotted item with extended second slot, the slots have increased values - 12% CD and 7%CR.
There are some other rules applied to 3rd slot, which I don't know yet. For example: extended boots with HP & HP Heal slots have +80 HP & +3 HP Heal. Then you would expect, that extended suit with 2 HP slots has +160 HP, but it has only +130 HP. These details are what I mentioned at the beginning of article, which will be filled as soon as I get to them, because i am getting to the stage of game, when i started searching for Slot Extenders.
What I can give you is this table of extended force slot values (though some types of slots are missing):
Note: Sword Skill Amp. and Magic Skill Amp slots value doesn't change with extending.
Original ValueExtended Value
Defense Rate+20+40
HP Auto Heal+2+3
MP Auto Heal+2+3
Critical Damage+10%+12%
Critical Rate+5%+7%

Drop Locations of Slot Extenders according to official Patch Notes:

Slot Extender (Low):
Boss Monsters - Forgotten Ruin, Lakeside, Pontus Ferrum,

Cabal Online Slot Extender High Drop Box

Porta InfernoCabal Online Slot Extender High Drop
Chaos Arena Lv. 1
Slot Extender (Medium):
Boss Monsters - Forgotten Ruin, Lakeside, Pontus Ferrum, Porta Inferno
DropChaos Arena Lv. 1, 2
Slot Extender (High):

Cabal Online Slot Extender High Drop Speed

Boss Monsters - Lakeside, Pontus Ferrum, Porta Inferno
Chaos Arena Lv. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Slot Extender (Highest):
Boss Monsters - Pontus Ferrum, Porta Inferno

Cabal Online Slot Extender High Drop Tool

Chaos Arena Lv. 3, 4, 5, 6
You can get slot extenders from Chaos Lamps and from Chaos Boxes bought in Cash Shop.
Dungeon Drops:

Cabal Online Slot Extender High Drop Top

Not much of knowledge from me, sorry. I get SEL from boss Rik in Lake in Dusk
There are videos of other players showing SEM from Zigdris Faello (Lake in Dusk), SEHH from Legendary Chest in Illusion Castle Underworld.